The puppies have turned 4.5 weeks.  This is the middle of the first stage of socialization where the puppies are becoming more aware of the world around them.  According to Rutherford and Neil in “How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With” at 4-5 weeks the puppies are using their legs well but tires easily.  This could be seen when we tried to take the 4.5 week photos.  Many of the puppies could not hold their heads up they were so tired from the stimulation of the new toys.  During this period they begin to chase one another and play prey-killing games.  A great example of this was the puppy who straddled the lion during our photo session.  From about 22-28 days it is easy for the puppies to be over-stimulated so doggie mom, Tailor and human parents Jane and Cory are spending as much time as possible with the puppies to make sure they know they are safe and secure in their new world.  More toys are being introduced and the whelping box has been expanded to include a small step down to a “potty area”.  The puppies are praised for going potty in this designated area.  In short, we are creating an environment and tasks to stimulate the puppies and to give them opportunities to succeed physically, mentally and emotionally.  This physical and mental conditioning will go a long way in maximizing the genetic potential of the litter. For photos of puppies at this age Click Here