Memorial Day weekend was exciting for Kanzu. He completed the 3 legs needed for his Excellent A Standard Agility title in just 4 days. He earned his first leg on Thursday at the San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club with a perfect score and first place. On Friday at the So Cal Portuguese Waterdog Club trail he received his 2nd leg also with a perfect score and a first place ribbon. This was Kanzu’s fastest run ever, running the course in 10.97 seconds under course time. After a day of rest and one failed attempt, he secured his Excellent A Standard Title with another perfect run on Monday. On Sunday, while he didn’t qualify for a leg in his Standard run he attained one of the 3 legs he needs in Jumpers with a perfect score and another first place win.

The weekend was made extra special by our friend Jim Wallace who captured several of the runs on video. Take a look at the two agility videos posted on the website.
5-27 video
5-31 video