Spyro (Now Kikuyu) Evaluation

The Kanzu x Kayta ‘Dragon Litter’ turned 8 weeks old on Monday January 2nd. All 11 puppies, Momma Kayta, Human Moms, Julie and Sheri and Kanzu’s Moms Linda and Lisa all piled into the car and headed off for an official litter evaluation. We were incredibly fortunate to be able to have the litter evaluated by Pat Hastings, a well-known author, lecturer, breeder and AKC judge. Ms. Hastings has developed a respected method for evaluating the strengths of puppy structure to help determine the most suitable lifestyle for each puppy and which puppies belong in a breeding program. The evaluation was highly educational. Ms Hastings informed us that on average a well-bred litter will have approximately 50% of the puppies rated with ‘show quality structure’. We were all delighted when Ms. Hastings concluded her evaluation of the Kanzu x Kayta litter and judged 10 of the 11 puppies as having ‘show quality structure’. For more information regarding Pat Hastings, her philosophy and publications visit:

The photo below shows the evaluation pictures of Elliot, Falcor, Gaia, Kaia, and Ladon:

The photo below shows the evaluation pictures of Mushu, Norbert, Rinjin, Saphira and Yoshi