At the conclusion of the Western Washington Dog Shows near Seattle, Kanzu and Uncle Maxx accompanied by Linda and Aunt Jennifer made a very interesting drive in the unexpected heavy snows to pick up our Kanzu son, Kuyu. It was a very interesting two day adventure back to CA with our precious cargo. Kuyu was a fabulous traveler who had already had lots of experience in vehicles. He arrived home on January 24th at 10 weeks of age. He has fit in wonderfully with his dad. Ema is still getting use to him and is most definitely taking on the role of “the fun police”. But Kanzu appears to think that having a puppy around is a great idea. They are spending much time playing ‘keep-away’ and ‘tug-a-war’. It doesn’t seem that long ago that Kanzu was the puppy and I was having to take the role of playing all of these games with him. Now he is the greatest baby sitter and is wonderful at playing with Kuyu and not only keeping him busy but also teaching him some manners.


Kuyu also got to meet many of his Tigris relatives, his Grandma Kaysi and great Aunt Hermani and his aunt Kioni. Most recently he visited his Uncle Peyton and housemate Kali where he spent some time chasing them and playing tug-a-war with Kali. But his most favorite thing so far was his first day out at straight racing. He got to ‘chase the bunny’ for the very first time (at least for a few yards). The cutest part was when he caught the lure ( which was bigger than him) and he then so very, very proudly carried it all the way back to the start line. Looks like he has a definite coursing/racing career ahead of him!

CLick here to see a gallery of photos for Kuyu’s play date